Reminders (21 Feb)

Dear boys,

Please submit:

1. NSW Reply Slips (Cash in labeled envelope; Nil Returns required)
2. Matter ERM 1
3. Matter Concept Map

on Monday (24 Feb)

Swimming Carnival 2014 (14 March)

Dear boys,

Do note that 14 March is an official school day and you are required to report to Yio Chu Kang Swimming Complex by 7.15 a.m. If you are on MC that day, you have to produce the doctor's MC when you are back in school in the first week of Term 2.

For orders of chocolate buns for that day, kindly put the cash in a labeled envelope.

Do refer to the letter given out today and return the reply slip on Wednesday (12/2) to your class captains.

Mrs Ng

Science Supplementary lessons for Term 1

Dear boys,

Do note that there are 2 Science supplementary lessons planned for your class for Term 1.

Date: 13 Feb, 13 Mar (Thursdays)

Time: 2.15 - 4.20 p.m.

Venue: Science Lab 2

For those taking the school bus home, do remind your parents to make arrangements so that you will take the CCA bus at 4.30 p.m. on these two days.

Please return the reply slips on Monday (10/2).

Mrs Ng

CNY Celebration

4 Fai's very first class party of the year!

                                   Boys clad in mainly red and gold. Looking good :)

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