When Mrs Ng became the PE teacher for an hour..

Rock Climbing Activity with the P4GEM2 boys ;)

All geared up!

Jiehan with utmost concentration

 Jerome - Taking a short break to pose for me :)

I wonder who's the sweet boy supporting his classmate? ;)

Hair & Nail Check on Thursday morning (17 July)

Dear boys,

There will be a formal check on your hair and nails on Thursday during assembly by the discipline teachers.

Kindly ensure that you are neat, proper and handsome like Jerome Gan as you report to school on Thursday. :)

Hair: not touching eyebrow, ear or collar
Nails: short and clean

Last Call for Class Photos Order

Dear boys,

If you would like to order the class photos, do submit your envelope and your payment to me latest by this Friday (18 July).

Learning Journey to Chinatown & National Museum

Your two days worths of fun.
Now we are back in school this week in a frenzy to catch up with the curriculum.
From last week's learning journeys. :)

Day 1 - Visit to Chinatown

Day 2 - Visit to National Museum

NSW English (15 July)

This is a gentle reminder for all those who have signed up for NSW EL.
It will be held tomorrow. (15 July)

Reporting Venue: Parade Sq as a class
Reporting Time: 2 p.m.
Test Venue: Primary School Hall
Ending time: 3.15 - 3.30 p.m.

Throwback to CH Family Day (5 July)

Thanks to the efforts of everyone, from poster, banner design, contributions of recycled cans and to the actual day of running our class game stall, we had managed to raise $1065 in all! 
We did very, very well! :) 

Some of you were at our class stall, helping to run the stall beyond your assigned duty slots; you know who you are! ;)

Well done, boys!!! :)

Some of the fantastic posters done by your classmates!

Upper Primary Sports Day

Missed the Milo vans so much! :)

ART Lesson on Friday

Instructions from your GEM ART teachers:
To bring news papers for ART lesson this Friday.

CH Family Day Matters

Dear boys,

You would have received your CH Family Day Class Game Stall Duty consent forms just now.
Each of you are assigned 2 hours of game stall duty.

Do take note of the time slot which you are down for booth duty and report to our class stall at the stated timing.

Our game stall (Pyramid Cans) is right in front of staff room 1 at the Parade Square.
The game involves using a rubber ball to knock down a pyramid of stacked cans.

For those who are involved in the design of the promotional posters for our game stall, you may use an A4 paper, colouring pencils / magic ink.

We will put up the posters you have designed around the school on Friday. Some of you will also be helping to set-up the stall during the last 2 periods of Friday.

Class Admin (1 July)

Dear boys,

Please be reminded to return the reply slips for the following forms on Wednesday:

1. Science Supplementary lessons in Term 3

2. School Learning Journey - National Museum & Chinatown (10 & 11 July)

CH Family Day
You will receive your game coupons by this Thursday.
You will also receive the consent form with your assigned duty timing

Class Photo Order Form
Ms Chia will issue out the class photo order form on Wednesday.
Kindly bring back the envelope & money by Tuesday (8 July).

NSW Writing
There is NSW Writing on Wednesday.
Please refer to the class notice board for reporting venue & time.

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