Ring Files for Various Subjects (Keep at Home)

Dear boys,

It has come to my attention that some of you have been bringing your ring files to school daily and some of you have been keeping your ring files in your school lockers.

I did a check with your subject teachers.
You are not required to bring your ring file to school unless you have been given specific instructions by your teachers to do so.

Once your teacher has checked the ring file, please bring it home so that they are more accessible when you need to revise through your work.

Do NOT keep them in your school lockers or under your tables.

Reminder: Science Supp on Thurs (28 Aug)

Dear boys,

Do be reminded about our Science supp this Thursday (28 Aug).
Time: 2.15 - 4.15 p.m.
Venue: Science Lab 1

Kindly remind you parents to make the necessary transport arrangement if you have not done so.

National Day Celebrations! :)

Woo hoo!
 Everyone is in red today! :)

School holidays next week

Dear boys,

A gentle reminder that there will be no lessons next week on these days:

Monday: National Day holiday
Thursday: PSLE ORAL Exam Day 1
Friday: PSLE ORAL Exam Day 2

You are not required to report to school on these 3 days so do utilise the time well to prepare for your upcoming CT2.

Semester 2 Exam Schedule Reply Slip

A gentle reminder for those who have not shown the letter to your parents.
Please return the reply slip by Thursday.

National Day Celebration (8 Aug)

Dear boys,

Do note that there will be no lessons on coming Friday so do bring a small bag to school instead.

School Dismissal: 11.45 a.m.

Attire: Red Top and school shorts (or white coloured shorts)

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