Early Dismissal on these days due to SA2 Exam for Mainstream

Dear all,

Please take note of the following dates for early school dismissal at 12.30 pm.

24/10 (Fri)
28/10 - 31/10 (Tue - Fri)

Mrs Ng

Our Participation in Chingay 2015

Great news boys!

Our school will be taking part in Chingay 2015!
Some of you will be selected to be part of the grand event and more details will be provided later.

On top of that, our school will be making a total of 80,000 recycled flowers (made from used / recycled plastic bags) for the display on "We Love SG Flowers". These 80,000 flowers will be contributed by you guys, your parents and the teachers. All flowers are to be made from used/recycled plastic bags and strictly no new plastic bags are to be used to make the flowers. :)

You will be taught on how to make the flowers after your exams.

A Small Act of Kindness Which Goes a Long Way :)

 The lovely boys and their Sharity Elephant Donations. :)

Whether it is a 50 cents donation or a $20 one, your kindness and generosity
will definitely goes a long way in helping the less
 fortunate children.
Most of us might never have a chance to interact with these children but it does not imply
that we should not extend our help to these group of people, 
especially so when it is within our means :)

There are still a couple of you who have yet to submit your envelopes to me.

If you are not making any donation, kindly return the envelope and indicate on the envelope : "I am not donating" and let me have it by Friday (24 Oct).

Mrs Ng

Reminder: Collection of VIA Cards

Dear boys,

I will be collecting your completed VIA cards this week.
Do remember to get your parents to sign on it.
Kindly bring them on Wednesday and submit them to your class captains.

Well done to Ee Yang & Khai En who had exceeded expectations for NSW Math :)

Children's Day Celebrations (2 Oct)

Dear 4 Fai,

Hope you had an enjoyable Children's Day celebration last Thursday!

From the free popcorn, popsicles, extended recess (1h 45min) to the class games (Minute-to-Win), I hope you are appreciative of the efforts put in by the teachers to make the day a most memorable one for all pupils.

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