CNY Class Pot Luck and Attire (30 Jan)

Dear boys,

Do note that the class pot luck on Thursday (30 Jan) takes place from 9 - 10 a.m. 

I will not be collecting back the reply slip as we will be referring to the blog for the bringing food items.
If your parents are coming for the class pot luck, do let me know by Wed. :)

An update on the attire for Thursday. You may wear either:
1. Festive clothes (CNY)
2. Red top with jeans / school shorts
3. PE / CHS Polo T-shirt

There are no lessons so you may bring a small bag to hold your wallet & water bottle.
Mrs Ng

CNY Celebration & Class Potluck on 30 Jan (Thurs)

Dear boys,

I hope most of you have already shown last week's letter to your parents.
School ends at 11 a.m. for next Thursday (30 Jan) and everyone is strongly encouraged to wear your home clothes to school.

As discussed in class, below are the confirmed items that you will be contributing for our class potluck party.
For those who are still clueless on what item to contribute, do get back to me by Mon (27 Jan) ya?

Ee Yang Paper plates (x30)
Aloysius  Fish Balls (x25)
Daniel Ang Small Cake (x1)
Wing Yip Mango pudding (x25)
Huang Qirui Jelly (x30)
Jayden Biscuits (x2 portions)
Jerome Ang Forks & Spoons (x40), A packet of tissue
Jerome Gan Sausages (x30)
Jie Han Nuggets (x40)
Khai En Mini cakes (x25)
Qiuzhi Lexus biscuits , 1 can of sweets
Matthew Bacon wrapped sausages (x30)
See Jay Packet drinks (x12)
Zheng Yong Chicken finger (x30)
Travis Sausages (x30)
Theodore Packet drinks (x12)
Vincent Peh Packet drinks (x12)
Vincent Yap Tibits (x30), Packet drinks (carton)
Wang Qirui Sausages (x25)
Winston Mini sandwiches (x25)

P4 IRS & CEP Schedule (Semester 1)

Dear boys,

Please show your parents the copy of IRS schedule which has been given out today and return the acknowledgement slip by Mon (27/1) to your class captain, Yeason.

Attached is a copy of the IRS schedule (Semester 1)


Introduction/Questions, Questions, Questions (1)
Questions, Questions, Questions (2)
Questions, Questions, Questions (3)
Gathering Background Info (1)

Gathering Background Info (2)
Gathering Background Info (3)
March Holidays (No lessons)
Sampling (1)

Sampling (2)
Conducting Interviews (1)
Conducting Interviews (2)
P6 EL/CL Oral Exams (No lessons)
Conducting Interviews (3)

P4 GEP CT 1 (No lessons)
No lessons (GEP Camp next day)
Analysing and Presenting Qualitative Data (1)
Analysing and Presenting Qualitative Data (2)


June School Holidays

The first IRS & CEP lesson will commence on 5 Feb (2.15 p.m. - 4.20 p.m.)

Items to bring for all IRS lessons:
1. IRS Ring File (Grey)
2. Clipboard

Kindly remind your parents to make the necessary transport arrangements for these selected Wednesdays. :)

Mrs Ng

CNY Food Donation Drive

The boys and their donated food items for the CNY Food Donation Drive! Your kind contribution will definitely go a long way in brightening up this CNY for the less fortunate! :)

For the rest who would like to donate, please bring the food items (refer to the list of recommended items) to school by next Tuesday.  (28 Jan)  Monday (27 Jan). 

Submit your food items on Monday to the General Office directly to this office clerk, Mdm Woo.


Dear boys, Do take note of the following:

 1. Report Books 

Your report books from your previous schools have been returned to you. Please keep them at home. 

 2. Matter Worksheet 1 

You would have received back your WS1. Worksheets with corrections cleared would see a tick (/) on the top right hand corner of the page. File up WS1 together with the Science slides & Science Work Schedule. Bring everything on Mon. There will be a check. 

 3.CNY Celebration letter & Food Donation Drive 

Check with your parents and get back to me next week on the 2 possible food items you can contribute for the class party. We will confirm which food item (only 1) you will contribute next week. 

Leave your donated food items at the back of the class. Label your name & class on the plastic bags. 

 Have a restful weekend! 

Mrs Ng

ASKnLearn Login & IRS/CEP lessons


1. School Health Check-up on 20 Jan (Mon)
- Do report to school in your PE Attire instead of your full uniform & tie

2. AsknLearn Login
Some of you told me that you were unable to login to AsknLearn with your default password this morning. You were reminded to see me during recess to reset your password again but only a handful came. Do take the initiative to approach me by Wed if you need help.

3. IRS & CEP lessons on Weds
There will be a student briefing for IRS & CEP next week and a schedule for Semester 1 will be given out. Meanwhile, please inform your parents that you need not stay back on Wed afternoons.
Lessons will commence on the first week of Feb.

IT Matters

Dear boys,

Do take note of the following info and change your default passwords for these two accounts as soon as you are able to.

1. School Computers (Lab 1 - 4) Login
All the students login for school computer labs have been reset to

Login: Student NRIC

Default Password: Chsp2014                  

Please take note for the capital C.

* Important note when students are resetting their password.
   The password must comply to the following rules in the Password Policy:  

   - Must be between 8 and 24 characters in length  
   - Minimum Lowercase: 1  
   - Minimum Numeric: 1  
   - Minimum Uppercase: 1  
   - Must not contain student's Account ID, email address or any individual word in student's full name   (This means that the password cannot contain any part of their ID or name)

2. LMS (ASknLearn)
The AsknLearn accounts for all students have already been created.

Login: Student NRIC
Default Password: Student NRIC

AsknLearn website (Bookmark):

Mrs Ng


Dear boys,

Happy New Year and welcome to P4 Faithfulness!

This semester will be challenging for most of you as you take your time to adjust to the new school environment, curriculum and workload. Not to worry, with good listening skills, proper time management at home & self-discipline, you will be able to handle relatively well. Your subject teachers will also be more than happy to guide you along should you require any assistance.

I hope the class blog will be useful as an additional platform for classroom administration & the sharing of resources.

Bookmark this website and do visit it regularly for updates.

Let's work hard together for 2014! :)

Mrs Ng
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