Do take note of the following info and change your default passwords for these two accounts as soon as you are able to.
1. School Computers (Lab 1 - 4) Login
All the students login for school computer labs have been reset to
Login: Student NRIC
Default Password: Chsp2014
Please take note for the capital C.
* Important note when students are resetting their password.
The password must comply to the following rules in the Password Policy:
- Must be between 8 and 24 characters in length
- Minimum Lowercase: 1
- Minimum Numeric: 1
- Minimum Uppercase: 1
- Must not contain student's Account ID, email address or any individual word in student's full name (This means that the password cannot contain any part of their ID or name)
2. LMS (ASknLearn)
The AsknLearn accounts for all students have already been created.
Login: Student NRIC
Default Password: Student NRIC
AsknLearn website (Bookmark):
Further instructions for Parents:
Further instructions for Parents:
Mrs Ng
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