Class Admin (14 May)

Dear boys, Please take note of the following letters issued out today:

  1. Change in timing of Science Learning Journey (21 May)
Do note that our learning journey will now take place during curriculum time instead of after school hours. Please update your parents on the new arrangement and return the reply slips on Monday, through the class captains.

 2. Teach Me To Fish (P4) Programme 
You will be having Teach Me Programme on 27 May, 8 - 10 a.m.
Some of your parents have kindly volunteered to come down to teach some of these life-skills. To ensure that you have a most enriching experience that day, you are expected to prepare the list of items given in the letter and bring them on actual day. 

3. CH Family Day cum Homecoming 2014
You are strongly encouraged to purchase a carnival T-shirt and at least one carnival coupon booklet for the coming school event. Our class will be in charge of running a game stall during the carnival and all of you will be taking turns to manage the game stall. More details on the duty roster will be given out in Term 3. This is an official school event and all of you are expected to participate in it :) Please return the green, pink & yellow forms stapled together on Mon during assembly.  All cash payments should be placed in a labeled envelope. A nil return is required for the pink & yellow forms.

4. Semester 1 Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM)
Ms Chia has kindly helped me to give out the letters to selected pupils  today.
If you have received a letter from her, it means that most of your subject teachers have indicated that they will like to meet up with your parents. Kindly return the reply slips on Monday.


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